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我目前是爱丁堡大学的一名在读博士研究生,我的导师是Dr. Yang


更早的时候,我在爱丁堡大学的通信与信号处理专业完成了我的硕士学位, 我的导师是Dr. Elliot J. Crowley。在取得硕士学位之前,我分别获得了利兹大学西南交通大学电子信息工程的工学学士学位。我本科期间的导师是黄德青教授。


  • 深度学习
  • 生物医学信号处理
  • 图像处理
  • 脑机接口


I am currently a PhD student at the Institute for Imaging, Data and Communications (IDCOM), the School of Engineering, the University of Edinburgh. My principal supervisor is Dr. Yang.

Prior to this, I was an algorithm engineer at JITRI Brain-Machine Fusion Intelligence Institute, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute. I was responsible for brain-computer interface algorithm development.

Before that, I completed my M.S. in Signal Processing and Communications at the University of Edinburgh, advised by Dr. Elliot J. Crowley. Prior to my MSc, I pursued a BEng in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Leeds and Southwest Jiaotong University. My undergraduate supervisor was Prof. Huang.

My research interests include (but are not limited to):

  • Deep learning
  • Biomedical signal processing
  • Image processing
  • BCI

In my leisure time, I enjoy photography, outdoor activities, and playing Genshin Impact.

Recent Works


Advancing Brain-Computer Interfaces: An Innovative Optimization Approach for fNIRS-Based Binary Classification

Journal of Neural Engineering (under review)

Yuxin Li, Hao Fang, Wen Liu, Chuantong Cheng, Hongda Chen

Achieving high subject-independent accuracy in online classification is an important part in the field of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) based Brain-computer Interface (BCI), especially with a reduced number of channels. However, it is often not possible to achieve both of them. In this paper, we proposed a novel feature extraction scheme for fNIRS dataset to improve the subject-independent accuracy. Additionally, we proposed a channel selection algorithm to locate the ROI (Region of Interest) channels, reducing the number of channels required for such classification tasks.

V-SWIR-IF: Visible and Short-Wave Infrared Image Fusion


Hao Fang, Guanjie Xu, Gaomin Su, Chuantong Cheng

An image fusion algorithm for fusing visible light and short-wave infrared (SWIR) images. This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No.2021YFB3601201).

Enabling Transcranial Electrical Stimulation via STI01: Experimental Simulations and Hardware Circuit Implementation

EEI 2023

Guanjie Xu, Gaomin Su, Hao Fang, Yue Li

A novel utilization of a chip, STI01, developed in China and traditionally used for muscle stimulation, to meet the demands of transcranial electrical stimulation (tES).

Towards Usable and Cost-Effective Closed-Loop EEG-Based BCIs: Emotion Recognition with Minimal Electrode Channels

under review

Hao Fang, Guanjie Xu, Hui Zhong, Gaomin Su

EEG-based BCI product for emotion recognition with only two electrodes.

Neural Art meets Edinburgh

M.Sc final project

Hao Fang

I employed deep learning algorithms such as fast style transfer, VQGAN-CLIP, DALLE-2, and Stable Diffusion to generate amazing artworks in various styles that depict the landscapes in Edinburgh. Besides, I set up an online art gallery on GitHub Pages to display these art creations.

Real-time Face Covering Detection Based on Deep Learning

B.Eng final project

Hao Fang

A three-class object detection problem using the YOLOv5 deep learning algorithm. The aim was to check if individuals wear their masks correctly. This real-time detection system has significant potential for practical use and commercial value during the pandemic.


Wechat mini program

Hao Fang

A WeChat mini-program I developed for our BCI device. You can access my mini-program by searching for "BrainTunes" in the WeChat client.